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Selections: Antonio Giova & Lara Palmer

Zilka Grogan

An ambient space is more than just a chill-out area: done well, it can add an extra layer to the club experience. This was our goal in adding an ambient-focused floor to the program for our upcoming party Patterns of Perception // Winter Edition, happening next week at ://about blank, with guests Lara Palmer (of Monument collective) and Antonio Giova (one half of natural/electronic.system.) on the bill.

To warm up for their sets in the Zelt next Friday, we asked Lara and Antonio to each share five of their current ambient inspirations with us. Enjoy the journey.


Selected by Lara Palmer

from MDF.  on Acid Camp Records, 2018 As you’re hosting the upcoming party at ://about blank, I thought it was fitting to include this warm and friendly track by Shingo Suwa, an artist who’s closely attached to the club through his Buttons residency there.   


from The Unrush Tapes - Requiems For Refuge Vol. 2. on Unrush, 2020  Unrush is a beautifully curated label, podcasts, interviews and event series focusing on ambient music. Recently, the label’s second cassette surfaced, including this track by JakoJako and unrush founder Mareena, an enthralling play of tension and relief.   


from Non Virtual Reality. Semantica, 2019 This atmospheric floater by Jonas Kopp is a good example of the power frequencies can have on your mind, making it travel, and creating some space in the everyday chain of thoughts.  


from The Coexistence Patterns. Kabalion Records, 2016 A jam session by Claudio PRC and Dubit that I am glad was captured on wax.  


from Amber. Warp Records, 1994 Recipe for a short excursion into space. You need: a good sound system (alternatively good headphones), a place where you can lay down comfortably, 2 ears, 2 eyes. 1. Find the place where you can lay down comfortably. 2. Put on the track. 3. Lay down. 4. Close your eyes. 5. Listen.   


Selected by Antonio Giova

From Vernal Equinox. Lovely Music, 1978 Not much needs to be said about this gem. Jon Hassel with his winding sinuous trumpet draws exotic, tribal, landscapes accompanied by the percussions of Naná Vasconcelos and electronics. All time favourites for me. It will be remastered and repressed on vinyl soon on Ndeya for the first time since 1978.   


From Dai Primitivi All'Elettronica. Casal Gajardo Records, 1990 Again a synthesis of folk, ancient, ethnic and electronic music. Reminiscences of raga, cosmic music, controlled chaos. Repressed on Black Sweat Records few years ago.  


From Crescente. Spazio Disponibile, 2017 Certainly one of my favourite records of the recent years. Here each track is a mysterious uncertain story, the memory of something that emerges from the sub-conscious, an incessant sometimes frenetic search, it keeps me glued from the first to the last minute every time I listen to it. 


From The Mantra Recordings. Astral Industries, 2017 I chose this one from this amazing catalogue, but there are several beautiful past, recent and future releases on this label.The field recordings here are used masterfully, they are an instrument themselves. Headphones on and start dreaming.  


From Ritme Jaavdanegi. Latency, 2019 My last pick can’t be considered an ambient record but Latency is a very interesting ambient/contemporary music label and this release again underline their research for unique beauties. I love percussions, not only used for dance purposes, and here you can easily hear how Mortazavi’s incredible playing technique makes the the Tombak and Daf talk.  I strongly suggest to see him playing live, it’s hard to believe he only has two hands. 


Full playlist:


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